escape into a world of swoon-worthy, addictive romance

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Ever since her younger sister’s engagement was announced, Harper Williams has been dreading the wedding. What should be a joyous, sun-drenched affair is sure to be filled with plenty of awkward moments, thanks to Harper’s strained relationship with her only sibling. Awkwardness enhanced by the wedding’s location—a lake in Maine, swimming with painful memories of their late father.

Running into Drew Halifax—her childhood crush, who grew up to be the golden boy of hockey—is a surprise. Not nearly as shocking as his offer to be her plus-one is though.

She expects him to back out. He shows up. She’s looking for a distraction from the past. He’s killing time until his season starts and he can chase the championship. She’s guarded yet outgoing. He’s easygoing yet focused.

They hardly know each other. Until one week of sharing secrets, pretending to be in love, and sleeping in the same bed changes everything. Feelings that were supposed to be fake start to feel very real.

Problem is, neither of them is looking for a relationship. At most, they’re meant to be a summer fling. Definitely not a happily ever after.

But when it comes to falling? You have no control. Once you start, it’s impossible to stop. And sometimes…it takes six summers.

There’s rich.

Then there’s the Ellsworth family. The Kensingtons. American royalty.

Money buys power, and power always has a price. The fear of those who already possess both? Losing it. The best way to ensure keeping it? Alliances. And elites don’t marry down—they marry equal.

For Scarlett Ellsworth and Crew Kensington, that leaves one option: each other. Accepting that inevitability is very different from embracing it. That’s the only thing they agree upon.

It was meant to be a union for better and for business.

Instead, it challenges everything Scarlett and Crew thought they knew about themselves, their families, and most of all…each other.


I've heard a lot of things about Weston Cole. He’s popular. Conceited. Obnoxious. Most importantly, he’s spent the past three years steadily dismantling my family’s football legacy. I should hate him. And I did. Until I encountered him freshman year and discovered he’s also troubled. Captivating. Considerate. When our paths cross again senior year, that knowledge becomes even more dangerous than his suggestive smirk. Hating him was easy. Before I met him.


No girl in Glenmont is more untouchable than Maeve Stevens. She lives across enemy lines. Her father is Glenmont’s head football coach. Her twin brother is their quarterback. My latest problem? One conversation with Maeve makes me forget about the decades long rivalry between our two towns. Makes me forget there’s a team of guys relying on me to lead them to victory against our main rival. A few forbidden kisses, and there’s only one thing I want to fight for. Her.

What do you do when you encounter the famous footballer voted “Sexiest Athlete Alive” three years running on a soccer field in Germany?

If you’re Saylor Scott, you challenge him to a shoot-out. And win.

Saylor’s goals have always involved the literal kind constructed from posts and netting. Her single-minded focus has cost her a lot, but it’s also earned her recognition as the top female college player in the US. She doesn’t get attached, she never gets distracted, and she could care less what anyone thinks of her.

Meeting Adler Beck, the notorious player celebrated worldwide and coveted by women everywhere, challenges her indifference. But Saylor perfected the art of appearing unbothered a long time ago, and her scoring percentage is even higher off the pitch. Might as well add a gorgeous German to the tally.

Because only a fool would fall for a superstar known for breaking hearts alongside records.

And no one has ever accused Saylor Scott of being a fool.

Harlow Hayes has spent three years avoiding Conor Hart. The cocky captain of Holt University’s hockey team makes it easy—he ignores her right back.

Plenty of girls fall for the charming lines and that arrogant smirk.

Harlow knows better. Knows more.

Like the fuel for the fury that makes Conor such a dominant force on the ice. The history they share but didn’t write. The reason they don’t speak.

Until, one day, they do.

He was supposed to be the one guy she could never—would never—like, much less love.

Famous last words.

eet te autho

C.W. Farnsworth is the author of numerous adult and young adult romance novels featuring sports, strong female leads, and happy endings.

Charlotte lives in Rhode Island and when she isn’t writing spends her free time reading, at the beach, or snuggling with her Australian Shepherd.

Find her on Facebook (@cwfarnsworth), TikTok (@authorcwfarnsworth), and Instagram (@authorcwfarnsworth).

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The first time Ryder James broke my heart, I was fifteen and fearless.

The second time he broke my heart, I was eighteen and jaded.

Both times, I fell for him effortlessly.

Falling is easy.

Our landings are hard. Painful.

We were a sad song with a slow melody. Flowers with paper petals. Hidden letters with visible tears. A beautiful tragedy.

Except tragedies have endings. Our story just … stopped.

Seven years later, I still have more questions than answers. Questions I’m too proud to ask after almost a decade of silence. Answers he refuses to share, no matter how much time we’re forced to spend together.

Everything’s changed … except how I feel about him. And the recurring moments when I’m certain Ryder hasn’t forgotten our past either.

Can you forget your first?

Or are they destined to keep breaking your heart … over and over again?

all you need is love. . .

for now, not forever

kiss now, lie later

six summers to fall

first flight, final Fall

Against all odds

famous last words

like i never said

friday night lies

sports romance

tuesday night truths


all the wrong plays


real regrets

fake empire

four months, three words

pretty ugly promises

come break my heart again

left field love

winning mr. wrong

back where we began


fly bye

heartbreak for two

military + rockstar


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Mistakes were made . . . in spades.

real regrets

The queen is always the most powerful piece.

fake empire

for now, not forever

One boy. One girl. Two feuding towns.

kiss now, lie lter

One boy. One girl. Two feuding towns.

left field love

Six summers. Six Chances.
One week spent pretending.

six summers to fll

She's the curveball he never saw coming...

fmous last words

Sometimes...scoring is the easy part.

He's the guy she swore she'd never fall for.

first fligt, final fall

fly bye

Can you forget your first?

 No strings?
No problems.

come break my heart again


He's the guy every girl wants.
She’s the girl he can never have.

He follows rules.
She breaks them.

four monts, tree words

eartbreak for two

They tell each other everything.
Well . . . almost everything.

Our song had one ending.
Our story might have another.

like i never said

back were we began

He's wrong...right?

It’s hard to forget your past when you’re staring at it.

winning mr. wrong

pretty ugly promises

He's the only guy she's ever wanted.
And the one guy she shouldn’t want.

When people choose to leave, you should let them.

friday nigt lies

Kyle Spencer is the king of country music.
She’s the city girl, sent to talk him into returning to the stage…


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"I always say how you know a book is amazing is when you want to read the book as fast as possible but also savour each word and doesn't want it to finish. This is exactly how I felt after I finished the first chapter of Fake Empire. Crew and Scarlett's story is exciting, sexy, full of banter and packed with sizzling chemistry. A must read and definitely one of my favorite books of this year.”

"When I think Charlotte can't give us a better story then her last book, she ups her game and delivers one phenomenal book."

- Livelyreads

"She creates stories and characters that pull me in and keep me in a chokehold. I can't help but get swept up by it all, and Heartbreak for Two was no exception."

"Each time I read a book by C.W. Farnsworth, I always end up finishing it within hours."


- Books and the Brummie

"Ryan and Embry are the perfect storm of sass for this enemies to lovers, forced proximity romance."

Winning Mr. Wrong is witty, steamy, entertaining, and perfect for fans of the Bachelor."


- literally booked solid

"I've been reading a lot of sports romance lately and this one is right on top with the best."

"Famous Last Words is the first book by C.W. Farnsworth that I've read and it is a spellbinder!"


- Lishy's Book Blog

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